Catgirl Weekly Progress Report — 01–26–2022

3 min readJan 27, 2022



Hey everybody!

The Catgirl Team is here with some great new updates!

We are making steady progress towards v2.0. We also have another system to share, our new Blockchain Indexer!

Without further ado, let’s check out our progress!

Weekly Progress Report — 01–26–2022

  • The Artwork for S2 Rare Catgirls is complete, and we are halfway through the Epic Catgirls.
  • UI Development for Staking (excluding integration) (100% complete)
  • UI Development for Farming (excluding integration) (45% complete)
  • Backend development for NFT Indexer (5% complete)

More details

It’s a very exciting time for the team. We are making steady progress for our v2.0 release! If you didn’t know, v2.0 will include many new features such as NekoFuse, Staking, Farming, Blockchain Indexer, UI Tweaks, and more. Each new feature will allow for a more tight-knit ecosystem, meaning more use-cases for the token, and our NFTs!

The Artwork for Season Two (S2) is also coming along nicely, we look forward to previewing the new Catgirls in the next coming weeks.

Staking UI is completed, the UI Integration will start shortly.

Farming UI is coming along nicely. We are super passionate about the farming system and cannot wait for everybody to test it out. Check out some previews of the UI below!

A bit of terminology for our readers (Skip ahead if not interested)

We often use certain developer terminology that may not be immediately clear to all readers. Please allow us to explain our terminology in more detail:

UI Design is the phase directly after the planning phase. Our lead designer begins by brainstorming a layout, wireframing it, and then taking it to a design tool such as Adobe XD or Sketch.

UI Development is the process of coding the design in the web browser using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. However, the interface is not hooked up to the blockchain and user data is not stored anywhere permanently,

UI Integration is where the blockchain and backend components get integrated into the design, UI integration is the final step before going live.

Smart Contract Development is the development related to the blockchain, such as building the smart contract for Farming, NekoFuse, and more in the future.

Backend Development is server-side development. Unlike smart contract development, it usually deals with our own APIs, databases, etc.

Hopefully, this was helpful for some of you! let’s continue the report:

A new Blockchain Indexer

Our new custom Blockchain Indexer is in the works and will be used to replace The Graph. During the initial release, The Graph was a viable solution, however, there were several limitations and delay issues.

Our new indexer will create more flexibility in fetching custom attributes on-chain. The new indexer will be a core component of our current and upcoming features.

Some advantages of building the indexer from scratch are:

  • Faster sync time for on-chain operations such as: minting new NFTs, trading and transferring NFTs
  • Better statistics for our Dapp
  • More ways to filter your Catgirl NFTs

Product Preview

Farming in action! (WIP)

⚠️ Please be aware nothing shown is final and is subject to change. All previews are in early phases of development. All numbers and data are randomly generated.

Farming UI development is looking great! Let’s take a sneak peek at it in action:


We appreciate you for taking the time to read this week's progress report! 🐱🐾

We will be showcasing a new Rare Catgirl ⭐️⭐️ for Season Two this week, so stay tuned!

Thank you, The Catgirl Team

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Written by Catgirl

Catgirl creates an in-depth entertainment platform consisting of digitally-engineered collectible Catgirls.

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