Catgirl Development Updates — March 22, 2024

2 min readMar 22, 2024



Greetings, Catgirl enthusiasts! We’re back with more news on our team’s progress. It’s been a bit since our last update, so we’re excited to share our progress with the community.

Let’s look at our recent accomplishments on UniPaws and the Catgirl App.

Kemi & Catgirl Artwork Progress

The team has been relentlessly working on the artwork for Kemi Base and Wearables. It is time-consuming because we want to maintain a high art quality standard. More items will be added in the upcoming weeks.

  • Base Kemis — We’ve finished 10 different Base versions
  • Wearable Hairs — There are now 26 different styles to choose from
  • Wearable Outfits — We’ve got 24 unique outfits ready to go
  • Wearable Shoes — You’ll have your pick from 24 different pairs
  • Season 3 Catgirls — 10 characters completed

Development Progress

This week, the Catgirl Team has made significant strides in the UniPaws and Catgirl App domains. UniPaws's scope is getting smaller, and we’re in the process of enhancing user experience and accessibility on our platform.


  • Listing & Bidding features (Marketplace)
  • Character Preview reworked (The Workshop)
  • Animations to Refresh added (Marketplace)
  • Cursor Missing on hover on UI fixed (Latest News)
  • Clickable Category on News page (Latest News)
  • Mobile version UI improvements (Latest News)
  • Text content updated on Wearable & Light Novel introductions (Wearables & Light Novel)
  • Removed unused User settings (Homepage)
  • Removed unused Kemi categories (Homepage)
  • Updated Copyright year (Website-wide)

Catgirl App:

  • Roadmap UI updated (Landing Page & App)
  • Update the Landing page in preparation for Season 3 (Page-wide)
  • Update the App in preparation for Season 3 (Website-wide)
  • Fixed website navigation issues (Website-wide)
  • Fixed Farming page spillover issues (Farming)
  • Updated to avoid users starting Farming after the season is over (Farming)
  • Fixed broken link issues (Website-wide)

What we’re working on now?

As we wrap up the tasks mentioned earlier, our focus now shifts towards further refining and optimizing the user experience across UniPaws and the Catgirl App. Specifically, we’re concentrating on:

  • Conducting extensive testing to identify areas for improvement
  • Continuously monitoring and addressing any emerging issues or bugs

Look for more updates as we roll out new features. And don’t forget to join us on our social media channels. We love hearing from you!

That’s all for now from the Catgirl Team. Until next time, keep purring along with us! 🐾

Follow our Socials!

To stay updated on the latest developments and announcements, be sure to follow us on our social media channels:

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Telegram Announcements Channel:





Catgirl creates an in-depth entertainment platform consisting of digitally-engineered collectible Catgirls.